Jul 1

Better Shared Drafts Previews

Previews of shared drafts are more accurate when shared on Slack, Notion, and other websites.

Also, we now take the first image of the draft and show it in the preview, so it's more representative of its content.

Sharing drafts is easy and free, just take a look at this help article to get started.

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Jun 14

Smarter Typefully AI with GPT-4o

Typefully AI, our own AI writing assistant, is now powered by GPT-4o.

GPT-4o is OpenAI's latest model and it's smarter and faster than previous models.

You can now use it in our most popular rewriting prompts (e.g. make it punchier) as well as when you write your own custom prompts in Typefully.

To try it, click the sparkle ✨ button in the our editor, or press J on Mac or ctrl J on Windows.

May 16

Improved copy/paste from Google Docs and Notion

Text formatting is now better respected when copying/pasting content from Google Docs or Notion to Typefully.

  1. Bold and italic text is preserved when you paste into a long-form draft.
  2. Bullet points from lists you copy/paste are fully preserved.
  3. Newlines and paragraphs are kept as in the original doc as much as possible.

This improvement is also valid when pasting from other popular websites.

Apr 24

Realistic Post Preview for LinkedIn

You can now preview your LinkedIn posts with perfect accuracy.

Click on "Publish" or "Schedule" and then click on "Preview" (next to the LinkedIn toggle) to see this new Realistic Preview. This gives you a precise idea of how the post will look on LinkedIn.

The post is collapsed by default (as shown on LinkedIn) with the "See more..." button available to expand it.

To optimize your posts for mobile, click on the "Mobile" toggle in the top right corner to see how it looks like on people's phones.

Apr 10

Smarter Custom Instructions for Typefully AI

You can now give more complex custom instructions to Typefully AI, because we're now using GPT-4 Turbo to process them:

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Apr 8

AI rewriting on all platforms ✨

Our powerful Typefully AI is now available on all platforms 🎉

This update allows the finally use our AI rewriting on 𝕏, LinkedIn, and Mastodon drafts.

You can select any text to rewrite, improve grammar, condense, make it punchier, and much more.