Video continues to be one of the best marketing tools for getting your brand out there.

The success of platforms like YouTube and TikTok demonstrates how much audiences value video content.

That's exactly why creating and publishing video should be part of any successful Twitter marketing strategy. But, what is the Twitter video length limit?

Like its character limit, Twitter’s video length limits has fluctuated over the years.  As Twitter's new owner Elon Musk looks to take on video platforms, the landscape of Twitter’s video service could be changing in the near future.

At Typefully, we believe that everyone should be able to use Twitter to its maximum potential. In this article, we’re going to talk about the maximum video length on Twitter. We’re also going to go over some of the possible changes on the horizon that could be made to this limit.

What is the Twitter Video Length Limit?

Twitter’s usual video length limit is 140 seconds (2 minutes and 20 seconds). This is the case for most users and can’t be extended, for the most part. The maximum file size is 512MB, and the maximum framerate is 60fps.

Twitter videos must also be at least 30 seconds long and uploaded in either MP4 or MOV format.

However, there are a couple of methods around this limit, allowing you to post 10 minute videos. Let’s take a look at them.

How to Upload 10min Twitter Videos

Twitter advertising accounts may upload videos that are up to 10 minutes long.

To do so, sign up on and create a new campaign. This will allow you to tweet videos that are up to 10 minutes long! You do have to use credit/debit card credentials to sign up. The actual platform is free but requires a card to begin using.

Alternatively, you can upload a video to YouTube and link it to your profile in a Tweet. This is how most people upload and advertise their long-form content on Twitter.

The Future of Twitter’s Video Length

With Elon Musk’s recent acquisition of Twitter, he is looking to take on YouTube as the leading social media platform for video content.

On the 5th of November 2022, Musk announced a possible change to a ‘42 min’ limit for Twitter Blue users, to try to turn Twitter into a possible YouTube competitor for content creators.

However, this is currently up in the air as Twitter Blue has gone through a number of changes and revamps since then. Time will tell if Twitter wants to focus on video content, but for now, all we can do is wait and see what the future holds for Twitter.

Elevate Your Twitter Presence with Typefully

Twitter’s status as one of the largest social media platforms has meant that there’s a baseline of video sharing and uploading capabilities. With that, Twitter’s video length limit has fluctuated over time and now allows videos of up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds for the majority of people.

Want to take your Twitter game to the next level? Typefully is a Tweet writing and scheduling tool that helps you elevate your Twitter’s quality and consistency.

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