Did you know that people are more likely to source their news from Twitter than any social media platform? Apart from finding information, tweeps also use the app for entertainment, marketing their businesses, and expressing opinions.

But how do people fully express their opinions and nuggets since tweets are only 280 characters? Simple! Twitter allows users to share lengthy content in tweetstorms or Twitter threads. These are a string of related tweets published in a logical sequence.

Twitter threads allow users to tell a story, do tutorials, provide updates, and publish condensed blog posts. But, unfortunately, there's another problem — tweetstorms can be challenging to follow. Luckily, we've discovered a way to help you solve this problem through bots that can compile tweetstorms into single posts.

At Typefully, we are committed to helping you enjoy all the benefits of Twitter as conveniently as possible. So, we'll let you in on all you must know about unrolling Twitter threads for easier reading and sharing. Ready? Let's get started!

Best Apps to Unroll a Thread on Twitter

We've already established that you can improve your reader experience on Twitter by compiling a tweetstorm into one text piece. The following are thread readers that help you do that easily:


Typefully is one of the best tools for making Twitter threads readable. With its "unroll threads" feature, users can publish tweetstorms as beautiful blog posts. This means that you don't have to go through the hassle of finding the next tweet in a Twitter thread.

The platform also offers these features:

  • A powerful editor
  • Engagement analytics
  • Auto-retweet
  • Auto-plug
  • Thread scheduler
  • Best content highlights
  • Feedback drafts

Typefully is beginner-friendly and offers you a top-notch user experience. Its features make creating, scheduling, and reading Twitter threads easier and more efficient.

Twitter Bookmark

Twitter released a feature called "Twitter Bookmark"  in 2018. Simply, Twitter Bookmark allows you to save your favorite tweeps' tweet storms privately so that you can view them at a convenient time.

The Bookmark feature is pretty helpful because you can easily lose a post in the sea of tweets. Before this innovation, tweeps had to share the content with other users or like them to view them another time.

On a desktop PC, you'll find the Bookmark icon on the left navigation bar. If you're using the mobile app, tap on your profile picture to locate the icon on the navigation bar.

Here's how to Bookmark your selected Twitter thread on a desktop computer or mobile app:

  • Open your PC browser and log into your Twitter account from Twitter's webpage. If you're using a mobile device, log into your account from your Twitter application.
  • Search for the post you wish to Bookmark
  • Press the share icon. You'll find it after the "heart" icon on the bottom of the post you wish to save.
  • You'll see a "Bookmark" pop-up. Click on it, and you're done. The post is now in the Bookmark section to access whenever you wish.

You can remove the posts from Bookmark when you're done reading them. When searching for a post, use the Twitter finder. It allows you to tailor search results to specific date ranges, people, and more.

Thread Reader

If you don't wish to use Twitter Bookmark, Thread Reader provides another option to save posts for later. The app also allows you to share and print threads.

You can use the Twitter Thread Reader app by mentioning @threadreaderapp and adding "unroll" in reply to any of the tweets in the thread. Easy peasy!

Alternatively, you can leverage the Quote Retweet feature to save the content. Start by clicking "Retweet"  and then "Quote Tweet" on any single tweet in the tweetstorm. Next, mention @threadreaderapp and write "unroll."

Again, another method is to visit Thread Reader’s website and post a link to the tweet in the search box. Then, click the “Find Unroll”  button to find the Twitter thread in a blog post format for easy reading.

After following any of the processes above, @threadreaderapp will send you a reply. In the notification, you'll find a link to the saved post.


PingThread is another effective tool for saving and reading Twitter threads quickly. Turning tweetstorms into readable formats with PingThread involves the same procedure as the thread reader. But you'll have to follow @PingThread to mention them.

Simply mention @PingThread unroll as a reply to the tweetstorm you wish to save. After a few minutes, PingThread will send you a message that includes the link to the Twitter thread in an easy-to-read version.


You'll have to subscribe to Readwise's monthly payment plans to use their services. However, if you're not on a strict budget, you'll find Readwise's rich features worth the subscription fee. For example, the Tweetstorm-reading service allows you to synchronize saved tweets across Pocket, Kindle, Instapaper, etc.

With Readwise, you can import Twitter threads into Roam or Notion. This feature comes in handy when you've got posts that you wish to read repeatedly. What's more, you can also make notes and highlight tweet texts whenever you want to. Amazing, right?

Saving tweetstorms in readable formats with Readwise involves a similar process to PingThread and Thread Reader. The only difference is that you must reply to the tweet with "@readwiseio save."


Toward the end of 2021, Twitter announced that it had acquired Threader, one of the popular Twitter thread-reading services. Marie Denis, Threader’s cofounder, is to collaborate with Twitter to improve its features. To use this service, reply "@threader_app compile" to a tweet in the thread.

Twitter incorporated some of the service's features into Twitter Blue. This means that you may only access Threader's advanced features via a monthly subscription of $3. That's fair enough if you ask us.

Unroll Thread

Unroll thread is another effective way to save tweetstorms in article-like formats. But unlike other tweet thread-reader bots, you don't need to input any unique keywords to use Unroll Thread. All you need to do is comment @unrollthread on the tweet you wish to save. This service is one of the easiest to use.

How To Save or Download Twitter Thread as a PDF

You can save your Twitter threads in PDF format for even quicker, faster, and more convenient access. Some third-party apps like Thread Reader, Threader, and Readwise have features that let you save your tweetstorms as PDF files.

You can also use Chrome Print and Chrome Extension.

Chrome Print

To use Chrome Print, open the tweetstorm and enter Ctrl+P. On the drop-down menu, click on "destination" and Save as PDF. Finally, press “save” after adjusting the orientation, page range, etc.

You can use Chrome Print to publish what's currently visible on the screen.

Chrome Extension

Another way to print a Twitter thread is through Chrome extensions such as Twitter Print Styles. Simply add the extension from the Chrome Web Store to your browser. Then, open the tweetstorm from your Twitter account. Open the print window and load all the Twitter threads by clicking on the extension icon at the topmost corner on the right. Click on "Print," choose an output folder, and save it as a PDF.

How To Do a Thread on Twitter With Typefully

Now that you know how to print a Twitter thread, you might be keen to know how to create a thread in the first place. Here’s a step-by-step process to create a thread on Twitter with Typefully:

Write Your First Tweet

The first step to creating your tweetstorm is composing the first tweet. The latter is typically the "hook" where you write something that makes your readers curious to read successive tweets. Next, you'll find a small circle at the tweet box's bottom right. That's the character count that shows the limit as you write.

Create a Second (or Subsequent Tweets) By Pressing CMD (or Ctrl) + Enter

After creating your first tweet, enter CMD (or CTRL) + ENTER on your keyboard. This lets you write subsequent tweets like you did the first one. Typefully allows you to create new tweets in a way that enhances clarity and flow. It displays your tweets in a single text to enable you to follow your thought process in a logical sequence.

Add Images, GIFs, and Videos

Make your tweets media-rich by adding images, gifs, and videos related to your content. Twitter says that tweets with videos are its most shared content. So, if you're looking to boost engagement, try experimenting with different video content.

Preview Your Tweetstorm By Turning On High-Fidelity Mode

After writing your tweetstorm, you can see how it looks in action by enabling high-fidelity mode. To do this, click CMD (/CTRL) + Shift + E on your keyboard. Alternatively, press the toggle in the red box.

Publish or Schedule Your Twitter Thread

If you've gotten to this stage, you can now post your tweetstorm directly to Twitter. You can also schedule it to post at an appropriate time. Try Typefully’s thread scheduler today.

Get the Best Out of Twitter With Typefully

Congratulations! You now know how to print a Twitter thread, save tweetstorms as PDFs, and convert them to readable formats. So, if you find your favorite tweep's tweetstorm interesting, you now know how to hold onto them for later.

The most convenient way to read a Twitter thread is through an app such as Typefully. Apart from helping you download Twitter threads, Typefully also helps you create new threads, shows your best posting times, provides you with accurate engagement analytics, and lets you schedule threads, among other interesting features.

Start posting easy-to-read Twitter threads today with Typefully.

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