Everyone knows that the success of your content on Twitter (now X) is directly related to the time you publish it at. What you want is to publish your content when your audience is online and the most active. This leads to higher engagement which fuels impressions and virality.

But how do you know what is the best time to post on Twitter? How do you even which are the best days to post on Twitter?

To answer these questions, our team at Typefully analyzed thousands of Twitter posts from the best performing creators to find the best days and best times to post on Twitter.

When is the Best Time to Post on Twitter (X)?

The best time to post on Twitter is:

  • 🌅 Early mornings - 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM (EST)
  • 🚋 Late afternoons - 5:00 PM to 8:00PM (EST)

These time slots were the ones where we saw posts getting the highest number of impressions and engagement. Before 7am and after 8pm, content has a very poor performance on every day of the week, across all Twitter accounts we've analyzed.

To make sure you are only scheduling and posting within these times, you can pre-select and save these times as your preferred slots with Typefully. After that, whenever you schedule a Twitter post, Typefully automatically knows where to put it.

Bonus: Typefully also lets you add suggested time slots based on the times your best performing tweets have been published.

best times to post on twitter based on engagement

The bottom line in order to find the best time to post on Twitter is to find the time when your audience is active on Twitter. Get to know them well, test multiple time slots and learn from what works vs doesn't.

Now, let's see how the best time to post on Twitter varies within each day of the week, including weekends.

best times to post on twitter

Best Time to Post on Twitter (X) on Monday

Mondays start off with people catching up with emails and news on Twitter, so early morning before work kicks in is a nice time to post. Or after they finish work and need a break/distraction.

⏱️ Best time to post on Twitter on Monday: 7AM and 5PM (EST)

Best Time to Post on Twitter (X) on Tuesday

The highest performing times in our analysis for Tuesday are 7am and 8am, and we only see similar numbers later in the day at 7pm.

⏱️ Best time to post on Twitter on Tuesday: 7AM, 8AM and 7PM (EST)

Best Time to Post on Twitter (X) on Wednesday

Wednesday, being the middle of the workweek, was the weakest day for Twitter (excluding the weekend). People are busy so your best shot is during a quick break throughout the day.

⏱️ Best times to post on Twitter on Wednesday: 11AM, 4PM and 7PM (EST)

Best Time to Post on Twitter (X) on Thursday

Thursday sees very good engagement very early in the morning but then only picks up after work. During the day it tends to see average performance.

⏱️ Best times to post on Twitter on Thursday: 7AM and 7PM (EST)

Best Time to Post on Twitter (X) on Friday

Friday sees a similar pattern to Thursday, except the lunch time which sees higher engagement and continuous growth up to 8PM.

⏱️ Best times to post on Twitter on Friday: 7AM, 4PM and 7PM (EST)

Best Time to Post on Twitter (X) on Saturday

Saturdays see very low engagement during the day as people go on with their offline weekend activities but it starts picking up around 7PM-8PM.

⏱️ Best time to post on Twitter on Saturday: 7PM and 8PM (EST)

Best Time to Post on Twitter (X) on Sunday

Sunday is a good day to catch people mid-morning and late afternoon/evening as they get ready for the week and might check their socials.

⏱️ Best time to post on Twitter on Sunday: 10AM, 11AM and 6PM (EST)

Summary: Best Times to Post on Twitter by Day of the Week

To provide a quick summary of the findings above, here's a summary of the best times to post on Twitter for each day of the week:

  • Monday: 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM, 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 7:00 AM, 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM
  • Saturday: 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM
  • Sunday: 10:0 AM, 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Remember that these times are in Eastern Time (EST) and that they are general guidelines based on aggregated data we've analyzed from active Twitter accounts using Typefully. The best time to post on Twitter for your specific audience may vary, which brings us to our next section.

How to Find the Best Time to Post on Twitter

The honest answer is that you need to test a lot of time slots, publish multiple posts and analyze your Twitter Analytics to understand your audience. An easy to do this is to use a tool like Typefully which lets you schedule your posts and see detailed analytics on how they are performing.

However, I'm sure you know your audience a little bit already so no need to start from scratch. Instead, think about these three questions:

  • Who is your target audience? 
  • What does their day look like? 
  • When are they more likely to be active on Twitter?

Each audience spends their time on Twitter differently. For examples, marketers are probably on it during the day but busy founders and CEOs are more likely to only check it before/after work and during breaks.

Knowing who you are trying to reach and what they day to day looks like is crucial to help you find the best time to post on Twitter.

find the best times to post on twitter with typefully analytics

Once you get a feeling for that, follow these steps to further optimize posting times for your Twitter content:

  1. Analyze your Twitter analytics: pay attention to when your followers are most active and what publishing days and times receive the highest reach and engagement.
  2. Experiment with different posting times: try publishing content at various times throughout the week and track the performance of each post. This will help you identify patterns specific to your audience.
  3. Use social media management tools: platforms like Typefully let you schedule multiple posts in advance and look back into your analytics to see the best times.
  4. Consider your target audience's time zone: if you're targeting a global audience, be mindful of different time zones and make sure you are reaching everyone at an optimal time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Publishing your Twitter posts at the right time is a critical action to maximize your content's reach and engagement. Below, you'll find clear and concise answers to the most asked questions about Twitter's best times to post.

What is the best time to post on Twitter?

The best time is dependent on how your audience uses Twitter and where they are located. The highest performing time slots we see from our data at Typefully is from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

What are the best days to post on Twitter?

While there isn't a best single day, what you should know is that Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays tend to perform better, as weekends tend to perform worst.

Is the time you post on Twitter so important?

Yes, it's important because you want to be posting when you know there are people online who will like to see it. Now, should you obsess about it? No. But should you try to find and optimize your best posting times? Yes.

What tools should I use to make Twitter easier?

We're biased but 150,000+ founders, marketers, creators, and engineers use Typefully to write, schedule, publish and analyze their content. It contains detailed analytics and useful features to help you find your best time to post on Twitter.

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