FTX decimates the crypto space... but you almost wouldn't know if you spent most of your time on @tezos. @fx_hash_ dropped news about fx(params) and #fxhashturnsone triggered gas wars?! Simultaneously #RIPHEN dances along producing spectacular works from artists everywhere... 🧵
Nirvana. The grunge sensation of the early 90s emerged from a place now famous for being the epicenter of overpriced coffee. Their logo? A smiley face with crossed-out eyes crowned with the iconic, ONYX font. What does the Pacific Northwest of the USA have to do with genart?
@JimiWen ... better yet "wen? Jimi" as we eagerly await the next release 👀. Calligrapher, potter, chef, gen artist, and future-forward thinker released a favorite of mine on #fxhash called "Teardrop"... He jokes with me about how I minted more than him (true story) ... 🧵
Did I... mint a piece of one of the most historic NFT art pieces to date? Probably heard of the artist @XCOPYART... but this piece, quite literally, is impossible to assemble without the collective interaction of the NFT holders like @punk6529@CozomoMedici@Vince_Van_Dough
I came across @ClaudiuGuraliuc after his release of a phenomenal collection with @ArtBanditzNFT in late 2021. I have been quietly admiring his photography - yes, photography - from the sidelines until now. Meet "The Baroque Collection" (2022) ... 🧵