I came across @ClaudiuGuraliuc after his release of a phenomenal collection with @ArtBanditzNFT in late 2021. I have been quietly admiring his photography - yes, photography - from the sidelines until now. Meet "The Baroque Collection" (2022) ... 🧵
Claudiu's consummate artistry, eclectic themes, and brilliance are masterfully spun together in The Baroque Collection and immortalized with his signature Old Masters style portraiture on the blockchain. Visit the @Wake_Gallery gallery to see his work. oncyber.io/wake
In a sea of beautiful works, there are those that stand out, and then, there are those that make you pause. This collection made me pause, and it is marvelous.
For those skeptical of the cultural, artistic, and technological paradigm shifts occurring right before our eyes. Take a peek at this introduction to Claudiu and his NFT journey to have a glimpse of the undercurrents that usher in a new world. youtu.be/VODq9rN-CRI