
Guru Prasad “TPW - The Product Web 🕸”


Product Management (Fintech, B2B B2C SaaS PaaS); Leadership; Coined Solution State Model (SSM)-2014, Elevated Trapdoor-2014; Mentor & Advisor @ TPW;

!! Stuck Anxiety !! - "Resolutions"

What Makes a Great Mentee?

Gamification strategy to reverse CHURN

The Downside of a Lock-In Strategy

Building relationships is a crucial PM trait!

How do you identify "Value Drivers"? (includes a CASE STUDY)

Troubles in onboarding teams to "Outcomes Thinking"

Effective Onboarding Strategies for Better Retention

⚠️ "Paving way for ENGG. teams to replace Product teams"

Deep-dive into 30-60-90