Cancer is a terrible disease, and also one that we all know too well.
It is not a new problem, rather one that exists since thousands of years & is studied in unimaginable detail.
Then why do people still die of cancer?
Let's start understanding this by taking a step back.
The 2 main forces driving cancer evolution:
1. mutation. new progeny arise, increasing diversity
2. selection. populations with higher fitness (capacity to reproduce) overtake the other lineages by frequency
Tumors evolve via an iteratively malignant dance among these two.
🤔All fields and industries are regularly disrupted. Today, we all own a smartphone.
How will the next disruption change Biology?
Accurate CRISPR editing & designer babies? Fancy prediction models behind medical decisions?
Probably not.
Rather, something totally different 🎁
🤔 Why Biology will have its “AI moment”:
Biology is inherently messy, noisy & complex.
Maths is inherently clean & precise.
Closed-form solutions seldom work for Biology.
The uninterpretable & non-mechanistic “dark” side of Deep Learning might just be the spirit of Biology.
The science of #immunotherapy can cure a patient's otherwise incurable cancer.
But sometimes immunotherapy fails completely
Shockingly, we hardly know why.
A meta-analysis of #Genomics & #Transcriptomics in >1,000 immunotherapy-treated patients aims to better understand why🧵
Hands-on weekend learning
Here’s everything you need to know to code your own #GraphNeuralNetworks drug screening predictor from scratch in less than 1 hour 🤯
Code together with @PetarV_93
It will walk you though the basics & learn you how to think.
The changes are:
1.analyze data per cancer type vs. pan-cancer
2.use cutoff of 0.2 vs. 0.1 for calling a copy number alteration
The contradictory conclusions are:
1.aneuploidy score (AS) is not predictive of immunotherapy response
2.a new metric is predictive & outperforms AS
We all think we're one of a kind.
But sometimes, we come across someone who looks just like us!
A @CellReports study tested the DNA of "fake twins".
Guess what:
They also share 🧬DNA variants related to facial features & behavior 🤯
Surprised or not really? Let’s dig in🧵👇
Like it or not, it's happening!
2023 is the year of #DeepLearning in Healthcare.
🚨New editorial @natBME on how Graph Neural Nets & Transformers are shaping Computational Medicine via contextual learning.
Editorial written part by editors, part by #chatGPT🤫
Main takeaways👇
🤔 Science is a deeply creative process.
We literally create knowledge that hasn't previously existed.
Maybe it’s then implicit that creating new knowledge can’t be easy.
To all scientists out there: doing science, in whatever form, is such a unique process.