I've discussed grids in a previous thread, but in this case, you will need a hexagon grid to get that isometric dot effect.
For example, starting w/ a world layer in @QGIS, I created a 500-km hexagon grid. You may need to play w/ different values.
Next, you want to create a new map layer of hexagon centroids (i.e. points in the middle of each hexagon).
You can then use the "Select by Location" tool, w/ the "Intersect" option, to select the points that are aligned with the world countries layer.
Copy the selected features (yellow) & paste as a temporary scratch layer.
Finally, "join" the attributes of each country to the overlying points, using the "Join Attributes by Location" tool.
Save the resulting "Joined Layer" as a shapefile & bring into @TableauPublic.
To create the map in @TableauPublic, add "Geometry" to the View & display as circles. Drag "ID" & "Name" to Details. Use the "Left" field (x-coordinates starting from the left) & a custom color palette to get the rainbow effect.
Not quite, but a close copy?😆 LMKWYT...thanks!🙏