➡️ What is a fair price for $ARB?
➡️ How to play the launch to benefit the most?
I'm tackling with the most popular takes on CT to separate moon math from data-driven predictions.
9 threads compressed into 9 tweets with action items at the end:
Arbitrum is on fire!
With $ARB airdrop worth >$1B, a lot of liquidity will trickle into its ecosystem projects.
"A rising tide lifts all boats"
If you still look for INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES, this is a mega thread with 30 innovative projects building on Arbitrum:
Possibilities GPT-4 offers may have not been discovered yet.
✅ Coding a game
✅ Building a website from a sketch
✅ Passing an exam
✅ Writing a lawsuit
All done.
But people are still hungry and come up with new ideas.
See what they are up to and what GPT-4 can deliver:
It's not been even 24 hours since GPT-4 went live and users have already created amazing things with it.
See a few examples and tell me we are not going to be replaced by AI very soon.
Huge amount of $ETH, from ~3M to even ~6M ETH, will be withdrawn after the Shanghai upgrade.
How much will be SOLD?
I broke down stakers into segments to understand their ability / willingness to sell and analysed different scenarios.
Read this thread to see what's coming:
If you hold $ETH, you should pay attention:
If ETH withdrawals were enabled today, ~1M ETH would be automatically withdrawn in 5 days.
This could be just the tip of the iceberg as 16.3M staked ETH would become free to move.
"ETH Withdrawals ELI5" thread you should read today:
In TradFi this initiative clearly has product-market fit:
➡️ One app had 29M users and $8.8B valuation in 2022.
Yet, it hasn't taken off in crypto so far due to complex UX/UI.
If done well, it's a BILLION DOLLAR idea.
How to get exposure to this EMERGING NARRATIVE?
When even known influencers get hacked, you start worrying about your own safety.
Instead, you should use these events as learning opportunity.
5 mistakes that made @NFT_GOD lose his net worth and what you should learn from them:
What happened?
@NFT_GOD got hacked and loast a life changing amount of his net worth.
His Twitter, Substack, Gmail, Discord and all wallets were taken over by an attacker.
And all was caused by a few little mistakes that could have been avoided with simple security measures.
Being early to a hot narrative is the simplest way to make OUTSIZED RETURNS.
Identifying this narrative is a bit more challenging...
I reviewed hundreds of pages in multiple crypto reports and made a list of 10 BIGGEST NARRATIVES for 2023 + related money making opportunities:
A month ago I published a list of top Arbitrum builders with the potential to outperform the market.
Time to review my portfolio of:
I share:
- Current performance
- Upcoming catalysts
- Some alpha leaks
Enjoy! 🧵👇