Where is the evidence!?
(That you are who you say you are)
A short thread on core beliefs vs self-limiting beliefs
It contains:
A short-write up
10 journaling prompts
The Sage knows many secrets.
Here is just one:
The secret to being irreplaceable?
Never waste your energy.
Do not force it. Simply go with the flow.
Why? [1/4]
What is more important to you:
To see yourself as an individual?
To see yourself as part of a wider culture?
Let's analyse this!
But first, a recap:
Are you JUST your brain?
Is there more to you or is that it?
Part I focused on the inner world of our experiences
Part II will look at us as a mechanism - a scientific fact
But first, a reminder...
Is it possible to write a book that combines all the thoughts of humanity so far?
Ken Wilber thinks so.
He separates human understanding into 4 quadrants.
Let's look at quadrant 1...
Have you ever been frustrated by the mismatch between the image you have of someone and their actual behavior?
It's super common.
It leaves us confused and disappointed.
So what to do...
🦺 Playing it safe?
👀 I see you.
Want to start taking risks?
Don't know where to begin?
Start here...
🔽 🔽 🔽
We must all learn how become more willing and experimental when it comes to taking risks, but...
We need to learn how do this in non-overwhelming ways.
❌ Taking big leaps infrequently.
🏅 Taking small incremental steps often.
But why is this second option beneficial for us?
The honest man speaks for truth, not for self-gain.
His focus is on speaking with the right intention and without deceit.
Honesty, then, is a way of being.
It is a lifestyle, not merely an act.
Within honesty, lies clarity. Within clarity, lies confidence...