The formula for overcoming that negative voice in your head.
Adapted from an @AlexHormozi video (linked below)
Readable in 37 seconds.
I love this idea.
So here's an adapted version I use with my students.
It can be useful for:
• Confidence
• Anxiety management
• Imposter syndrome
And a million more things.
Let's begin...
Self-doubt can be a very limiting problem.
For every ‘good’ thing that you say about yourself, there are multiple ‘bad’ things that follow it up that immediately discredit everything that came before it.
It is in the inversion of this process that transformation can occur.
By inverting this, you get the ‘formula’ for overcoming limiting self-talk.
'Diminished' BUT 'Amplified'
Think of an area in your life where you are facing a block.
• Work
• Relationships
• Family, etc
Or it could be based on other factors, such as
• Anxiety
• Doubt,
• Imposter syndrome
It could just be a barrier that you know is there, but you can't quite grasp.
Whatever your situation is, write out the problem first in the less empowering way.
It will look something like this:
"I want THIS to happen..." BUT "This is getting in the way…"
Then, using as much of the same wording as possible, invert the sentence. (Reverse it)
It will look something like this:
"I know these are the problems…" BUT "Here's what I am good at/could do…"
Look back over your sentence/s and notice how they land differently.
How is your thought process different?
To what extent does the problem feel more manageable?
What have you learnt about yourself in writing this?
Has the emotional weight of the issue increased, decreased, or stayed the same?
Tune in to each of these questions in turn.
See what they reveal.
And that's it!
Personally, I'm a big fan of this video and I believe it stretches way beyond sales.
See how it works for you!