Kel's Top 5 Takeaways - Wizard Wednesday, JUN 29 2022
1. This week, let's start off by recognizing that tomorrow is the anniversary of the original Wizard minting! On 6/30/21, 10,000 wizards were minted out into the world!
Image courtesy of @ToBeIsToBreathe (keep an eye out for a "Year 0" history thread from them)
@ElfJTrul said this price was achieved not only because of the art, but also the community. Later on, Elf emphasized that he wants to make each Beast into a cultural icon. Some of them already had lore created (TV trailer, comic, Oliver Tree as Gigas Chad; more is planned.
3. Elf talked about how special the FRWC community is, and claims that it is the best in the NFT space. He talked about how impressed the traditional media representatives are when they see all the evidence of the community’s side projects and constant building.
@dotta admitted that for the first 9 months, he tried to keep up with every Discord channel, but he can’t do it anymore due to how much is always happening (I was the same), and additional MM members like @flashst3p and @MagusWazir were brought on, in part, to help with it.
4. Jitcy wrote up a blog post, “A Night of Might and Magic,” which is linked here. The objective was to give a glimpse into the party experience to those who couldn’t attend (accompanied by professional photos).
The yacht party was also a fun time, according to those who attended. @poplovski allegedly performed the Worm. Dotta complimented the people who dressed up for the events, and wants everyone to know that this is welcome and encouraged.
Bearsnake talked to some interested business reps at the party, and they were impressed by the vibes - one called it “like a mini comic-con”.
5. Merch update! All merch that was at the party (including comic books) will be available online, probably by Friday or early next week. 2 pieces of merch are free(!) to anyone holding a Forgotten Runes token, and additional pieces are available for purchase. Stay tuned...
Community Happenings: I am definitely feeling like we are at an inflection point in terms of community-led initiatives and side projects. Sometimes it feels like every deeply-involved member has at least 1 (if not multiple) things going on - a community of builders indeed!
MM brought up @USDC_Maximalist leading an impromptu “warrior burning” event (sending warriors to a burn address - Sacred Flames cannot currently be used on warriors). RYF burned 10, and 4 others burned 1 warrior each. Check Sales chat for details...
@crypt0natrix talked about curating an exhibit with 5 artists, who were asked to make “magical art”. Their works will be put into a cryptovoxels online gallery & available for purchase, & each will be gifted a warrior. The purpose is bringing new artists into the community.
RYF announced that the House of Wizards’ Ministry of Art is launching today! There will be two 3-week windows, with 10 ETH allocated to each of them (this represents the 20 ETH in funds that has been allocated to the MoA so far).
MeepleDad plans to release these weekly. He also mentioned the Thursday writer’s workshops, which will begin to include some pro writers joining as guests. These happen in the Discord at 11 AM Eastern US time on Thursdays.
We ended this week's session with a lore reading (@Tadmajor reading about Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technocrome) and a song. The song was from @lorepunkdoteth, and was commissioned by @MagusWazir to be a diss track for the One Who Rings!