
Filip Kovacevic


Top expert on #KGB (operations, archives, spy fiction). Contributor @CWIHP, @talk_spy. PhD. 20+ years university teaching in Russia/Balkans/US. Now at @usfca.

The Library of the KGB Training School in 1960, Part 3

The Library of the KGB Training School in 1960, Part 2

The Library of the KGB Training School in 1960, Part 1

This Top Secret KGB Document Reveals How the Soviet Lithuanian KGB Planned To Spy on NATO

KGB: Signs of Nuclear Attack Preparations on the Soviet Union

Two KGB Officers Never Documented Before

Original KGB Documents Released on November 7, 2023

Original KGB Documents Released on October 17, 2023

Original KGB Documents Released on October 3, 2023

Original KGB Document: Questions to Ask the Wife of A Candidate for the KGB (English Translation)