In 1987, #KGB FCD Directorate T developed the General Operational Indicator (OOP) to quantify the value of their foreign contacts.
Here's the Structure & the Points given per each category:
1. Level of Operational Relations
Agent 1
Confidential Contact 0.7
Op. Cultivation 0.5
2. Operational Category of the Source
Agent-recruiter, agent of influence 2
Agent-source of information, potential agent 1
3. Citizenship (Permanent Residence) - USA, NATO, PRC, Japan
a) USA 2
NATO, PRC, Japan 1.5
Other countries 1
b) Work Location
Facilities of Direct Concern for Tech/Scientific Intel
(including having sub-sources) 3
Other Facilities 1
4. Form of Contact
Impersonal or Use of Agent-Liaison (outside of USSR & Socialist countries) 7
Regular meetings outside USSR (the source has no official contacts in USSR) 5
Meetings on the territory of USSR 3
No current opportunity for meetings 1
5. Reliability of the Source
a) Basis of Cooperation
Ideological-Political 3
Material, Moral-Psychological 2
Not Defined 1
b) Test Procedures (for the period in question)
Complex Testing 2
Selected Testing Measures 1
Not Completed 0
6. Professional Orientation of the Source
Top Ranking Scientist 5
Specialist-Developer 4
Technical Specialist (engineer); member of armed forces 3
Contractor 2
7. Intelligence Capabilities
Direct Access to Secret Information (including having sub-sources) 5
No Direct Access but Can Obtain Military-Type Equipment 3
Not Clearly Defined 1
The #KGB General Operational Indicator was calculated based on the following formula:
OPP= 1 x 2 x (3a+3b) x 4 x (5a+5b) x 6 x 7 (the numbers signify the categories enumerated above)
Max OPP = 8750 points