👀 NEW: 20 original #KGB documents from the Lithuanian Special Archives were released by the Genocide & Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania on November 7, 2023. (kgbveikla.lt)
🧵 I've translated the titles of the released KGB documents ⬇️. @SocIntelHist@CWIHP
1. Statistical Information about the results of the agent-operational activities of the 2nd Directorate of the Lithuanian KGB for 1990. Dated December 28, 1990.
2. A List of facilities [in Lithuania] approved for visits by foreign citizens. Undated draft [probably the late 1980s or 1990]. 62 pages.
3. Statistical information about the visits to Lithuania by foreign tourists and diplomats (1981-1986). Undated [probably the second half of 1986].
4. Statistical information about the visits to Lithuania by foreign tourists and diplomats in 1990. Undated [probably, December 1990].
5. A List of individuals that the Lithuanian KGB recommends be expelled from the USSR. The list consists of 10 names and short bios [7 typed and 3 handwritten]. Undated [probably, 1989 or 1990].
6. A Instruction on the acquisition of the uniforms of Aeroflot employees for the external operational officers of the KGB. Dated June 30, 1980 and co-signed by G. Grigorenko, the head of the Second Chief Directorate.
7. Instructions given to the external operational officers of the Lithuanian KGB at the Vilnius airport. Dated May 19, 1987.
8. A KGB Case Study titled "Some Questions Regarding the Organization of Counterintelligence Activities to Prevent the Capture and Hijacking of Airplanes." Dated April 19, 1989.
9. A Telegram by KGB Lieutenant-General Yuri Storozhev, the head of the Fourth Directorate of the KGB, regarding the strike of air traffic controllers in April 1990. Dated April 13, 1990.
10. A KGB Report of the visit to Moscow by Zbigniew Volkovsky, French citizen and university professor. Dated August 27, 1984. Signed by Colonel A. A. Bondarenko, deputy head of the 3rd Dept of the 4th Directorate, whose only trace on the Internet is in this document.
11. A Letter by Lt. Colonel M. Yu. Volkov, deputy head of the 4th Dept of the Lithuanian KGB, to Colonel R. S. Ishmiyarov, head of the 3rd Dept of the 4th Directorate of the KGB, regarding counterintel support for airline employees traveling abroad. Dated Sept. 1988.
12. A Report by Colonel V. A. Epimakhov, head of the 4th Dept of the Lithuanian KGB, to Colonel R. S. Ishmiyarov, head of the 3rd Dept of the 4th Directorate of the KGB, regarding the international contacts of the Lithuanian Airlines (LAL). Dated May 16, 1990.
13. A KGB Plan for preparing and executing the operation for stopping the capture and hijacking of a civilian airplane at the Šiauliai airport. Codenamed Operation NABAT [ALARM]. Dated June 6, 1987.
14. Information about some elements of the operational situation and professional engagements of the 2nd, 4th, and 12th Dept. of the regional KGB branch in Klaipeda and the Lithuanian Sea Basin. Dated March 7, 1986.
15. A KGB report on the indicators of the activities of the agents of the adversary in the Soviet civilian fleet. Dated February 22, 1985. Signed by Maj. General A. I. Arkhipov, deputy head of the 4th Directorate of the KGB.
16. A KGB list of the indicators of the suspicious activities and behaviors of sailors in the Soviet civilian fleet. Dated February 22. 1985. Signed by Colonel N. V. Krymov, head of the 2nd Dept of the 4th Directorate, whose only trace on the Internet is in this document.
17. Information on combatting the enemy ideological activities of the anti-Soviet nationalist and clerical circles on the sea transport. Dated November 15, 1985. Issued by the KGB regional branch in Klaipeda and the Lithuanian Sea Basin.
18. A KGB report on some questions regarding the organization of counterintelligence activities on the transport on the Neman river. Dated June 26, 1984. Signed by Major A. Nikitin, head of the 4th section of the regional KGB branch in Kaunas.
19. Information about the results of an inspection of the activities of the regional KGB branch in Klaipeda and the Lithuanian Sea Basin. Dated August 22, 1986. Signed by Lt. Colonel A. Gribauskas, deputy head of the 4th Department of the Lithuanian KGB.
20. A List of questions to addressed by regional KGB branches in the analytic reports on the counterintelligence activities in the Soviet civilian transport on the sea. Dated December 25, 1986. Signed by Colonel N. V. Krymov, head of the 2nd Dept of the 4th Directorate.