Sanjay Sabha has completed 20 months of activity. We just uploaded the 20th concert on the YouTube channel and the upcoming Sanjay Sabha Live in Chennai will be our 10th such event.
As I look back on this journey, I am grateful and thankful for your patronage and support all round.
Things are slowly limping back to normal over the last few months. We are travelling again, performing live and it is so wonderful to meet you all in person.
I am looking forward to touring Dubai and the US again in October and hopefully we will have a lovely December season in Chennai.
I am a live performer foremost & getting on stage and singing before an audience gives more pleasure than anything. At the same time I have enjoyed the process of getting before a camera and performing. Be it a concert, Short Notes, On that Note, Notations or just promos.
As we stand on the cusp of things opening up, I am excited that this twin pronged approach of reaching out to you all digitally and in-person will continue.
YouTube made it possible to offer Channel memberships. The response has been wonderful and has motivated us to keep going. Here are some key takeaways.
1. Continuous access to all previously uploaded content - This means, if you join today as a Patron member, you can listen to all 20 concerts uploaded so far plus all members only videos.
2. Single membership - multiple viewings like your own personal library of accessible videos.
3. People enjoy watching Sanjay Sabha concerts at home with friends and family as a group - much like an in-person Netflix watch party!
4. Lots of older citizens who are strictly homebound have been writing in about the experience.
5. People are gifting memberships to others!
6. After every live concert someone comes up and specifically mentioning that he/she is a "Patron" member of the YouTube channel.
Sanjay Sabha Live lays emphasis on Rasika First. Empowering the listener was the priority. As Senthil, the Tamizh comedian said in a film "Information is wealth!". Publishing song lists in advance was intended to do just that.
I am happy to say that the feedback has been phenomenal. Concert attendees look forward to knowing what is on offer every time. At the same time it is an extension of my endeavor to reach listeners directly.
In those days live audiences increased when music was listened to on the radio, television and personal music systems. Today, I feel that audiences are able to relate to music in a very personal way after watching/listening online and it makes them want to attend concerts.
I never thought that a boomer like myself would attend a standup comedy show, until I started watching snippets online!
I am also understanding that the digital content and social media is bringing in newer and younger audiences to the live concerts.
It is so heart warming to see the number of people coming up and saying "This is my first Carnatic concert. I don't know Carnatic Music, but I know Sanjay Subrahmanyan!"
Thanks to you all!