Learnings from our PH exploration with @MathildeBeccat, one of the big recos is understanding the PH algorithm 🤖. It's what decides if you make it to product of the day or not (on top of votes of course...). Here's what we found in a thread 🧵
How the algorithm computes the score is not public, but for sure it judges voters severely and can take away upvotes or give minus points if it thinks the voters are “not genuine”.
What are “non-genuine” votes according to the algorithm?
- Upvoters freshly registered on PH (came just for your page like your grandma 👵 )
- Upvoters with less than 5 followers (considered uncool? 😑)
- Upvoters with no product upvoted recently or at all (those PH ghosts 👻)
We've seen people say that voters using direct links to your PH page from social media gives you minus points. This is actually not proven and seems to be a rumour-ish. 🙏 feel free to share your xp here??
What the PH algorithm dislikes 💔
❌ Automated upvoting 🤖
❌ Spikes in upvotes at a specific time (could mean massive emailing campaign)
❌ Upvoting without going to the product website (track if voter clicks on “Get it” before clicking on upvote)
What the PH algorithm likes ❤️
✅ Top Hunters upvotes and hunt (big reco to contact them 2 weeks before)
✅ PH staff who helps you elevate your story (ping them too!)
✅ Comments and active discussions (add all people who worked on the project as makers and ask them to answer!!)
What the PH algorithm ❤️ - bis
✅ Early votes during the day (early for PH means 00:01am PST, they think you can’t rise people from their bed with marketing so it’s natural upvotes 🥱 )
✅ Votes spreading over the whole day
✅ People checking your website (tracking on "get it")
Additional things the PH community loves 🥰
✅ Product descriptions that fit with a specific type of users and not generic ones made for everyone and no one
✅ Making it personal on social networks - “I just launched my first product!”
✅ Personal PH accounts never company ones
Last little tips, when sharing your PH on social media, don't add #hastags, or @mentions because they'll appear in bleu like your URL and people might end up clicking on them instead of the link 😅 . Also don't ask for upvotes, comments only 🤓
Hope our learnings help you too and can't wait to hear yours !! J-secret till our PH 😏