Disappear for 90 days, do this and you'll return unrecognizable next year...
1. Make a habit of always listening more than you talk.
"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new"
- Dalai Lama
2. Learn to say "NO". You have limited energy, time, and resources. If you're always giving out and not taking anything back for yourself you’ll simply burn out.
3. Work out for at least 30-45mins a day. "Not having time for the gym" is NO excuse. All you need to do is:
• 100 press ups
• 100 squats
• 100 situps
Do this consistently and the future you will thank you.
4. Cut out porn and masturbation. Your brain will stop experiencing artificial dopamine hits, and as a result, you'll have:
• Better sleep
• No Brain Fog
• More self-esteem
• More Energy & Focus
5. Aim to save 30% of your income, if you can’t save 30%, then save 10%. It’s not about how much you save, but how often you’re saving.
This way you'll create a rainy day fund and pool of money for investments.
6. Dedicate 1hr a day to learning. Read at least 30 pages of non-fictional books. Audiobooks, TED talks, and Podcasts are also good alternatives.
7. Develop a positive mindset. This way you are less likely to be discouraged by failure because you’ll reframe challenges as learning opportunities.
8. Try to sleep at the same time, every single day. Your body will eventually become an alarm clock (Optimally sleep at 10 PM to be up by 5 AM).
9. Plan your weeks and days in advance. All you need is 15 mins before bed. Set 3-month goals, weekly goals, and a daily to-do list.
With this foundation in place, all you'll need to do is look at your list every morning and execute it.
10. Curate your social feeds. Whether we realize it or not, our moods and minds are affected by the news and media we consume.
Consume things that make you happy, laugh, educate you, inspire you, and motivate you.
Cut down on news it's mostly negative.
11. Establish a regular habit and rhythm for deep work. Do this by blocking out 4 hours a day to focus on one task.
You don't need an 8hrs of work to be productive.
12. Invest in high-quality nutrition. Quality nutrition pays off by providing energy for your relationships, business, and mental health.
Consume nutrient-dense foods like:
• Salmon
• Sweet potato
• Nuts
• Eggs
• Berries
• Bone broth
• Liver (beef and chicken)
You can't improve if you don't know what you're doing wrong.
Work on your Mental Models to:
- Become the master of your mind
- Practice critical thinking skills
- Make more rational decisions
Change your life here: gumroad.com/a/311836595/AxfYH
That's a wrap, thanks for reading!🙏
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