1/4 On February 12, 2022 we started replicating 7.5 PB #CMIP climate data from @Livermore_Lab to @argonne_lcf and @OLCFGOV. We used @globus to automate this transfer of 28,907,532 files: mostly LLNL->ALCF->OLCF, but also LLNL->OLCF->ALCF during ALCF maintenance. @doescience@NSF
2/4 The transfer completed on May 3, just in time for #GlobusWorld where @climate_dude presented on #ESGF2 futures. The transfer log shows how @globus automation navigated maintenance periods and GPFS failures.
4/4 This is just a first step towards realizing the power of @DOEscience#LCF supercomputing coupled with massive #CMIP simulation data. New questions, new methods (e.g., AI methods applied at scale), linking of simulation and observational data. So many possibilities!