New article in @Patterns_CP covers:
A) patterns for linking big data instruments & computers;
B) capturing such “flows” in reusable forms;
C) Globus automation services to run flows;
D) examples from synchrotron light sources;
E) implications for scientists & facilities, 1/8
The word "exciting" can be overused, but the new UChicago "AI+Science" postdoc program is truly exciting. 20 positions, well paid, with great freedom to work with whom, and on what, you want. First cohort of 10 starts Jan 2023, second Sept 2023.
New @TheHDSR paper on methods & experiences for realizing "continuous and ubiquitous FAIRness" by using simple tools to track all data all the time: Lightweight IDs to name things; BDBag/BagIt/Research Object to create aggregations; flow automation
1/4 On February 12, 2022 we started replicating 7.5 PB #CMIP climate data from @Livermore_Lab to @argonne_lcf and @OLCFGOV. We used @globus to automate this transfer of 28,907,532 files: mostly LLNL->ALCF->OLCF, but also LLNL->OLCF->ALCF during ALCF maintenance. @doescience@NSF
I posted "The History of the Grid" on Arxiv. This 2011 article reviews the work that, from the 1990s onwards, pioneered on-demand and federated computing and data over then-new high-speed networks.