Ever since I was a kid I would ask myself 3 questions:
1. Why am I here?
2. What’s wrong with the world?
3. What can I do to help fix it?
In this week's essay, I share how I've begun using heart intelligence to fine-tune my purpose on sabbatical👇
I've come to realize that our life purpose is a story—it is a fictional narrative we experience through our thoughts, actions, and emotions.
When we learn how to listen to our heart, we start to tell a story that better serves ourselves & our planet.
Wetiko is a concept from Native American folklore that represents the colonial virus of the human mind that drives us to consume at all costs and to disconnect ourselves from the web of life.
Where does Wetiko show up in your current life story?
For me, Wetiko represented itself in a hidden set of motivations to accumulate wealth at the expense my core relationships—most importantly with the quiet voice of my highest self.
While I initially built a life that many would deem successful, I did this at great cost.
Learning how to listen to my inner voice amidst the turbulence of the pandemic taught me how to quiet my mind and tune into the wisdom of my body through breath work and embodied practices that cultivate flow states in nature.
This is now a central part of my identity.
As I began tapping into these practices I discovered an emerging field of heart intelligence pioneered by @HeartMathInst
Their research shows the heart is actually an intelligent organ with its own central nervous system that produces a powerful electromagnetic field.
The heart and the brain are engaged in a continuous, two-way dialogue, where the heart provides 80% of the information TO the brain.
We can cultivate a flow state between the heart and brain to access this intelligence. It is known as "heart coherence."
The Quick Coherence Technique is a powerful three-part method for achieving heart coherence quickly. It's easy, anyone can do it.
1. Focus your attention on the area of your heart and breathe deeply
2. Activate a positive feeling
3. Sustain the positive feeling
In the same way that the mindfulness revolution sparked millions of people to cultivate a daily practice of guiding their awareness toward the contents of consciousness, there is a new heartfulness revolution to cultivate intuition, compassion and authentic connections.
The metacrisis requires an entirely new level of human coordination.
This requires a new mode of being that is rooted in abundance and trust rather than scarcity and fear.
We need an entirely new way to relate to one another.
Technology isn't going to save the day.
Our hearts are the organs that allow us to relate from a more compassionate and connected place.
This is essential to overcome the apparent obstacles we face as we look past our differences, our pains and learn how to work together.
By cultivating heart coherence as a daily practice we can begin to relate to ourselves and the world in a more compassionate and connected way.
We start to recognize the importance of the land and community we depend upon to survive and begin to properly value what matters.
If you're a biohacker nerd like me and want to play around with heart coherence using a biofeedback device, check out the InnerBalance from HeartMath
It's a fun way to deepen your meditation and induce heart coherence as a daily practice.
I've been using this prior to my daily contemplation exercises and I've noticed a major shift in the feeling and tone of my insights and reflections on the world.
Regeneration is a symphony.
Our job is to find our instrument and stay in tune.
The heart as an organ is our primary source of intuitive intelligence and can help us find the unique contributions that make us fully alive.