I cut my teeth as an entrepreneur in the world of open-source (WordPress).
Years later with the benefit of much hindsight, I can see how this has greatly influenced my entrepreneurial DNA and how we're building @cogsyapp.
Some ways in which this has materially shaped me...
1. You can be friends with your direct competitors.
I'm still friends with @bgardner today even though we directly competed at Woo.
At Conversio, @RytisLauris (@omnisend) & Yoni (@looxio) were competitors. Today they're Cogsy investors.
2. A rising tide lifts all boats.
The open-source ecosystem was built on the shoulders of giants. And as we all built, everything became better.
Being a contributing citizen in your greater ecosystem benefits you and everyone else.
This is why empowerment is a Cogsy value.
3. Most of your business can be copied, but no one can clone you (or your team).
With Woo, anyone could fork our code. So we doubled down on branding & customer service.
Today I'm focused on building, nurturing and retaining the best team possible. Competitors can't copy that.
4. Very few things in business is ever a zero-sum game.
There's a way in which we can all do well.
Success isn't just about winning at all costs.
One's reputation in the medium- & long-term is probably the most valuable "asset" to build.
Kindness & empathy matter.
Last note here...
I wasn't an open-source "believer" initially. I was resistant to parts of what it meant for me.
In the early days of Woo, I can remember having a few (very) hard conversations with @photomatt.
With time, those conversations turned into meaningful learning.