Individuals don't join teams for the perks/benefits.
Catered lunches & table tennis only gets you that far.
The best individuals join the best teams for the mission, values and culture.
The amplify that we have a unique wellness setup at @cogsyapp...
Every team member has a @pleo card & they are encouraged to spend money on their wellness.
We have a soft and flexible "limit" in place.
Only one rule: You need to account for any expense on your card to your teammates with a straight face.
I can espouse many benefits of this.
Actions speak louder than words though, so here's a snapshot from our Slack today, where our team speaks about the value themselves.
Not corporate.
Not for "company" benefit.
This is about and for every individual.
I think this works for 2 primary reasons:
1) Individuals are treated as unique. They get to decide their own benefit. No policy. No "economies of scale". Just their benefit.
2) The company/team trusts the individual to make good choices. That's empowerment at its best.
Ultimately, you can feed someone the best food with catered lunches, but they will neither feel trusted nor empowered.
I believe the best companies/teams of the future will orientate themselves to individuals just as much as they ask individuals to buy into the shared mission.