💰 Overcoming price objection as an artist is one of the main question you'll have to deal with in order to improve your career.
➡️ I worked this question. A lot. And here is what I can say.
🧵 LONG Thread 🧵
Artists are often asked to discount their work, or told that it's "not worth the price."
As an artist, you might be tempted to discount your work or lower your prices just to make a sale. But when you do this, you're not only hurting yourself, but also the value of your art.
If you find yourself struggling with pricing your work, here are some tips for how to overcome price objection as an artist:
• Review your pricing
• The "down-sell" technique
• The "comparison" technique
• The "what's your budget" technique
• The "payment plan" technique
• The "what's your price" technique
• The "discount" technique
• The "value" technique
Let check that in details!
1. Review your pricing
➡️ First of all, is your pricing good? How did you define it? Are you aligned with your market?
• Check other artists' price
• Put your costs in the equation
• Add your artistic value
You should have a good price.
2. The down-sell technique
➡️ Keeping them as client, on another (cheaper) artwork.
If the price is too high, but they are interested, you should present them cheaper work, still explaining why the 1st one is more expensive.
This is where prints are actually a good option.
3. The comparison technique
➡️ Use other artists' works as example.
If they they're not interested because of the price, show them a similar piece by another artist that is more expansive than yours and explain how you offer a similar quality and emotion at a lower price point.
4. The "what's your budget" technique
➡️ Ask them their budget and suggest something
Maybe the price is not even the problem. If they say "it's too high", they may have change their mind on the piece. Ask their budget, and show them something else accordingly.
5. The "payment plan" technique
➡️ Split the payment, but keep control
It's maybe to high for one payment, but with multiple payments, that's ok. Propose it, by saying "You pay [X%] now, and 3 other payment next months, and I'll send you the piece right after".
This technique is really powerful, but it cannot be used without any discussion before.
You need to know if the person's REALLY interested, explain your art value, and once the connection's made, this is something you can propose.
6. The "what's your price" technique
➡️ Ask the client "How much would you pay"
This is a good (and fun!) way to start negociating. Keep in mind that they will say less than expected (of course), but you can test them and see their seriousness.
7. The "discount" technique
➡️ Propose a discount, but not for free
Price is too high but the person is REALLY interested. You can propose a discount (10% max.), but try to get something from it. For instance, a post on social media promoting your work.
Give to get, or don't.
8. The "value" technique
➡️ Show the value of your art, so they don't negotiate
This is my favourite technique. You have to work your personal branding, your storytelling and your art's story BEFORE anything else. As a result:
• You will only get "GOOD" clients
• They will not negiotate or complain the price
• The VALUE of your art will be so big, they will even think that this is actually a good deal.
Why? Because the emotions you created will take over the logic (price) and they will want it.
You don't have to change your prices—you just have to change how they perceive them.
Contact me, and we will do that together!
➡️ You found any of these interesting?
1. Follow @AnthonyMlns for more resources on "How to grow your career as an artist"
2. You can also visit madrigal-studio.com for more!
3. Send me your questions if you have some! DM opens.
Thank you 🙏