Want to start hosting Twitter Spaces?
Don't skip the most important steps
Here's a quick guide on running Twitter Spaces 🧵↓
1. Declare a Theme
Spaces should always have a clear theme
It will make your Space stand out & increase returning listeners
Some ideas:
• Education
• Comedy
• Market Analysis
• Open Panel
• Project Q&A
2. Be Prepared
Don't let your Space go dry when speakers stop talking
Spend 15 mins preparing 5-10 talking points to reignite conversation
This will keep your speakers engaged & prevent the audience from leaving
3. Co-Hosts
Choosing the correct co-host is VITAL for a successful space
Your co-host should be:
• Knowledgeable
• Well-spoken
• Aligned with your theme
As co-hosts, you should be able to carry the entire conversation if necessary
4. Have Fun (seriously)
Regardless of everything else, you should enjoy the Spaces you host
The mood that you have will rub off on your speakers & audience
If you aren't happy to be there, no one else will be either
TLDR: How to Host Spaces
• Pick a Theme & Stick to it
• Prepare Talking Points
• Choose Co-Hosts Carefully
• Make it Fun
-Hold up-
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