WTF is a Koda(mara)?
Legends of Mara explained & broken down
TLDR: I believe Legends of Mara will be persistent, 2D strategy game (ala Clash of Clans) where will be collecting resources, attacking others & defending our Otherdeeds. The actions will be handled by out Koda/mara
Each Otherdeed will be able to claim a vessel (think of these as Mara Eggs lol) in the coming weeks. There are 3 types of vessels and each type impacts what your Mara will be able to do. Enchant/power up, farm fragments or hunt/defend.
Mara are little Koda sprite-like creatures that share the color and ability of the vessel that they emerge from.
Mara can evolve into Kodamara if they ingest a seasonal catalyst.
The "Who's that Pokémon?!!!" vibes are unmistakable lol. Also, the catalyst sounds like the evolutionary stones from Pokémon needed to evolve certain Pokémon like Eevee.
So pretty much you'll get a vessel which will be come a Mara which you will evolve into a Kodamara. These K'mara's will either boost, farm or defend your deed.
Ans WTF is Koda? A Koda is a much more powerful version of a K'mara that can do all three tasks (but not at once).
Catalysts are seasonal and are based on the Otherside Odiac. Each constellation is one of the creature type artifacts found on some otherdeeds. Your Mara will take a trait from the creature it gets a catalyst from. Some rare, hybrid catalysts will provide traits from 2.
Mara can ingest fragments from the various sediments and their traits are affected by what type they ingest. Fragments have to be farmed by Kodas are farmer Kodamaras that are attached to the land to farm. (Finally some clarity/utility for deed traits)
In summary, I believe we are going to get an Otherdeed/Koda based Clash of Clans type of game. The game will likely include in-game Ape purchases for boosts with some degree to pay to win. I don't love that part of it but mostly b/c I can see myself dumping $$ if its fun lol
I think overall, if well executed, this is a pretty genius move that adds another Ape sink, & keeps the community engaged and happy with a intermediate game/use of otherdeeds (because full on Otherside will take a long time to materialize). @CryptoGarga@BoredApeYC@yugalabs