The @RTFKT community has been trained with metaphorical Goku weights, squeezing alpha out emojis alone. We've received a bunch of teasers containing enough breadcrumbs for me to attempt to make a sandwich of a thread tying the Clone X Story Mode together. Lets dive in..Big🧵
I'm going to go all Quentin Tarantino on you all and start off with the ending of the video first. The end of the video quickly flickers through the names of the upcoming 3 Chapters of Lore: Incubation (Project Animus), Wandersmith (side quest) and Exodus (Pod burning).
The video begins with a loading screen; I've translated the message to be more clear. I've also posted some helpful definitions below. Progenitor is a key word & I believe, being an "ancestor", that it is the Predecessor to Clones
The Progenitor could be the blue haired female Clone seen in the Animus teaser and previously elsewhere. It could also represent the founders (as the 3 extraterrestrials that founded CloneX Corp) or an object/AI or hivemind that represents pre-Clone human consciousness.
The main highlight of the story mode video is the star map within the Draco Constellation. The map contains stars (bright white objects), orbit patterns (drawn circles), a planet, 7 mysterious blue glowing orbs (very distinct from the stars) and some writing.
For a little background the Draco constellation is actually a real constellation and not just a made up set of stars that Soulja Boy was probably the first rapper to visit.
Here is the map with the text made clearer. I'll touch on each in the following tweets.
Orbitar is:
* A planet in the Draco Constellation (in RTFKT Lore)
* The home of the 3 founders of CloneX Corp
* An actual candidate extrasolar planet in the actual Draco constellation
*The location of the CloneX Research lab (where we got a look at our Animus friends & eggs)
I believe that Project Animus (the eggs/creatures) is the "latest creation" mentioned here and threat levels are high because someone may want to steal and/or destroy such a powerful creation (more on this later)...
"Draco_42" in RTFKT lore represents "42 Draconis"; the actual "5th magnitude K-type Giant star" in the actual Draco constellation which "42 Draconis b" aka Orbitar orbits. A year here is 479 days which might explain some project delays that have occurred in the past lol
Side Fun Fact: The Draco Constellation also has ties back to Greek Mythology which was a very common and present theme during the OG MNLTH quest.
SW of Orbitar we find a warning of a "Planet Killer". Threat levels on Orbitar are high for good reason & this bad mamajama is reason #1. I expect this Planet Killer is en route to steal or destroy Project Animus (or the "latest creation") & maybe destroy the whole planet
The below was the message in the latest teaser video today. A lot of these terms should start to look familiar (Artisan Network, The Progenitor & Wandersmith). I believe the Wandersmith (new character) is using the Artisan Network to warn The Progentitor (Clone Ancestor)...
..that "they" (The Planet Killer/s) have located Orbitar & it's inhabitants and is en route to destroy/disrupt Project Animus and potentially destroy Orbitar completely.
* Not sure what the "U" means
* Wandersmith is an unkown at this point but its a Clone friendly...
..protagonist that is the name of Chapter 2 of this pack of Lore. We'll find out more shortly but from name (& to have the knowledge to send the above warning message) the Wandersmith may be some portal/space hopping being (maker/forger of "wander"ing).
"Omni portals" remind me of the doors upstairs in the LootPods as it was hinted that they can become "portals" to the Pods of others. These Portals can also potentially act as "fast travel" to other worlds. Also, fast travel may be needed in an "Exodus" (Chapter 3).
Unknown area. Searching the area for Artisan signals and the scout team not yet being deployed makes it clear that this is an unexplored/unknown area that might have valuable resources and "RTFKTs" (teehee). Another potential location to go before an "Exodus"...
Bonus: These are the only 2 clones in the official RTFKT wallet. One is a star of the Project Animus teaser & the other is a star in his own right. LBJ being the only other Clone in the wallet and the delay of any news/announcement around it since I found it (lol) gives.... the thought that there's a possibility that the King himself may be a protagonist in the CloneX Lore (eat your heart out Space Jam). Might not be the case and the silence could be for a hundred different reasons but this is a new, potential reason that comes to mind.
In Summary: We are about to start Chapter 2 out of 3 for this Lore pack.
Chapter 1 (Incubation): set the stage for Project Animus (our Clone Companions). A new creation from the CloneX Research Labs on the planet Orbitar.
Chapter 2 (The Wandersmith): Looks to kick off with a side quest this week. The Progenitor (Clone Ancestor/Predecessor) received a warning message from the Wandersmith that The Planet Killer/s have found us & are incoming; likely to destroy/disrupt Project Animus & Orbitar
Chapter 3 (Exodus): This will involve pod burning & now things start to make sense. Space pods fit now that we have a clear setting lol. Burning pods/homes in an "Exodus" makes sense since it is a mass departure leaving or "burning" our old homes for new ones..
*Warning Potential Spoilers* (if my hunches have any clue or grasp on reality that is lol): With a Powerful Project completed & a Planet Killer incoming, I believe we are in the pre-Clone Lore atm. The 3 Clone X Corp founders "came from" the planet Orbitar to eventually..
...transfer all human consciousness into advanced clone forms. They "came from" the planet Orbitar because Orbitar was destroyed or at least was under such threat that they had to pack up all the eggs, any resources & artefacts that they could before burning their pods... "The Exodus" to escape (maybe with the use of an Omni Portal or two).
Let me know your thoughts, theories or questions in the comments!