For those who missed the interview on @rugradio with @farokh and the @RTFKT team (@benitopagotto, @clegfx & @Zaptio). Wanted to summarize a couple of the notable moments & some ever delicious alpha and breadcrumbs. The team doesn't speak as a group often so this was nice...🧵
1/9 "Move to Earn" mechanic for kicks: "Something crazy" is being cooked up (tech in works/evolving for 8 years). Something is coming "quite soon actually". My take: Strong assumption this is for cryptokicks; M2E was mentioned in patent, etc. Very interesting & exciting imo
2/9 Collabs: Benoit is most excited about upcoming "crazy collabs to be announced with coolest/best brands in the world". Mentioned it was several; no specific timing. Excited for the physical forging and the story telling with these collabs. Assumed collabs beyond Byredo.
3/9 MNLTH 2: Quest is starting "very soon". "Very special." "Mechanics included for something much bigger are a part of the quest." "Bigger, shorter and better (than MNLTH1 Quest)". "Game changing content inside the MNLTH2." My Take: Can't wait!
4/9 Nike Athletes: When asked if any Nike Athlete activations or collabs are coming (like @serenawilliams obtaining a Clone recently): "Just wait a couple of weeks and everything will come to the surface" My take: Famous athletes and Nike/celebrity leveraging is more than welcome
5/9 Any upcoming Clone Events like NYC: Event likely in Early 2023 in Korea. Was supposed to be end of year 2022 but delayed. Targeted not to be a party like NYC but more of "an experience". My Take: Great idea. Sounds similar to what @AzukiOfficial did in NYC this year.
6/9 Team's interest in making a game: @benitopagotto paraphrased: We love & are interested in things referenced (gaming, physical/digital, etc.) & we always want to work on things we love and are interested in. Cheeky response; essentially yes but "3-4 years to build a good game"
7/9 Misc.:
* Kanye is dream collab for team (has been for a while)
* Working on a website for a couple of free to use clone files available to all (not for commercial use purposes)
* ~35 full-time team at RTFKT (a lot of devs and 3D artists)
8/9 Misc.:
* Lore in upcoming months (my assumption: tied to pod burning as stated before). I'm very excited for this!
* Working on "5 other projects" (other than forging)
* "Highly focus on scarcity"
* "We are RTFKT, not bound by Nike"
* Multiple hints of future physical market
9/9 TL;DR
* More collabs coming
* "Experience" focused clone event likely in Korea 2023
* Move to Earn mechanic is coming soon (my guess is cryptokick related
* MNLTH2 starting soon and shorter/better than OG Quest
* Nike Athletes stuff upcoming