With the cat now (very) out the bag, let's talk LeClone James 🧵
1. How I discovered it
2. Details on the clone itself
3. Misc. other notes regarding Nike
4. What can it mean
1/8 Yesterday, a chat about Nike athletes came up & I remembered there was a clone with a crown in RTFKT's wallet that I mentioned could be fitting for LeBron back in July when Serena got her clone. Little did I know, the clone would now have new 1/1's traits fit for a King.
2/8 After posting that message and noticing the traits, I went back to OS to take a better look. I noticed that the Details had a "Last Updated" entry that no other clone has; it was "32 minutes ago" when I first noticed it. An hour later the news was out & spreading all over lol
3/8 On to the Clone. This has been covered: traits updated to 1/1 LBJ Beard & Chosen1 CRWN, Crown is purple & gold (Lakers colors) and has "Chosen1" engraved on it. In short, it's definitely Lebron.
5/8 To be clear this is NOT an RTFKT specific event and no one other than Lebron has any real ties to RTFKT so there's no evidence at all to jump to conclusions about any other athletes or Nike celebs yet. Also, there is only one other clone in the RTFKT wallet (blue pigtails).
7/8 It will be interesting what this means. Will this be closer to the typical "celebrity X gets NFT Y, tweets once & goes pretty silent"? Or will it be something much more involved & larger than just a giveaway to a celeb? With the changing of metadata, I lean toward the latter
8/8 Not going to do a deep dive on this topic (would need it's own thread tbh) but didn't want to leave it out completely. There is also discussion on feelings toward the one-off metadata change in regards to decentralization. I've seen a lot of fair commentary on both sides.