Is Twitter an echo chamber?
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An echo chamber refers to situations in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal.
So because of echo chambers, you are less likely to agree to a different opinion other than the one opinion that's already reinforced. So because Twitter wants to keep YOU on their platform they only recommend tweets which won't make you mad, but this promotes fanboyism
This makes people more toxic which is bad.
So here's what you need to take from this, follow people who have diverse opinions on subjects.
Like: If you like androids, you should also follow people who like iOS to hear their diverse opinions, and vice-versa.
Accounts which like androids:
@/hasanyahya04 @/Jamil_Aboudaher @/That_Kartikey
All non-toxic, there are many more like these
Accounts which like iOS:
@/WilliamFaix @/BasicAppleGuy @/iupdate
All non toxic, there are many more accounts like these
When arguing with someone, keep in mind your opinions might be influenced by the echo chamber, and take the required steps to deal with it.