Excited to officially announce the NFT Security Group.
Web3 security is a community effort, so we’re partnering w/ more than 15 companies & projects to share vulnerabilities and fixes before they reach other platforms. opensea.io/blog/safety-security/introducing-the-nft-security-group/
Web3 is, in many ways, *one single meta-platform*. More collaboration in this space is required to keep it secure.
The NFT Security Group will collaborate privately to focus on safety goals that are proactive (vs merely reactive), community-driven, and extend cross-platform.
It's invite only for now, but you can contribute to NFT security in a few ways:
1) participate in bug bounty programs in the space (check out lists on @immunefi, @Code4rena, @HackenProof and @Hacker0x01),
2) work w/ an auditing firm, and
3) join OpenSea - we’re hiring!