5 tips on how to stop overthinking everything
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Tip #1: Don’t strive for perfection
There is not always one right answer, and you can't predict everything.
To avoid this, identify your top priorities and the information you have. Then, determine the most important next step, and take action.
Tip #2: Put the problem in perspective
Don't spend too much time on small decisions, because they aren't important.
Decide how important the decision is, and spend the right amount of time thinking about it.
Tip #3: Trust your gut
Intuition is faster than analysis. Research has shown that if you use intuition and analysis, you'll make faster, more accurate decisions and be more confident in them.
Tip #4: Eliminate unnecessary decisions
Every decision you make takes away some of your energy.
You should conserve your energy by creating routines, habits, and delegating tasks.
Tip #5: Set decision-making time constraints
You should take some time to think about your decision, and set a time limit for when you will make it.
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