Today I'm very excited to tell you about the project on which I was working day and night for the past few days! 🥳
So let me introduce you to:
✨ Better Hacker News
If you've used Hacker News, you might have noticed that it's not been updated for a long time and the user experience is not so good.
So for that purpose, I built Better Hacker News − Web App which provides a lot better user experience for HN.
Try it
And do you know what is the best thing about it?
It's open source! It means that you can contribute to it if you want to improve it.
New issues and prs are always welcome. Your contributions are highly appreciated.
Github repo:
☑️ Amazing ui/ux
☑️ Completely responsive
☑️ Fast and snappy
⚒ Currently in work in progress
❌ You can't upload or reply
⬜ Add animations
⬜ Implement user page
⬜ Optimize story specific seo
⬜ ...
I hope you like the project and I'd really appreciate your feedback on it 🙌
Also, if you want any help related to the project, you can ping me any time on twitter or discord 😄