This thread serves as an crash course to HTTP status codes. I'll share you everything you need to know about almost every status code you'll ever encounter on the internet.
โญ So first of all, what are HTTP status codes?
โข HTTP status codes indicate whether a specified request to server is successful or not.
โข HTTP status codes are also known as "responses", in short.
โญ Responses are basically grouped into 5 classes:
โ 1xx - Information responses
โ 2xx - Successful response
โ 3xx - Redirection message
โ 4xx - Client errors
โ 5xx - Server errors
โ Simplest explanation, lol
โญ Major 1xx status codes
โ 100 - Continue
โ 101 - Switching protocols
โ 102 - Processing
โ 103 - Early hints
โ 122 - Request - URI too long
โญ Major 2xx status codes
โ 200 - Ok, successful
โ 201 - Successful but created something
โ 202 - Accepted, but not processed
โ 203 - Non-authoritative information
โ 206 - Partial content
โ 204 - No content
โ 205 - Reset content
โ 207 - Multi-status
โ 208 - Already reported
โ 226 - IM Used
โญ Major 3xx responses
โ 300 - Multiple choices
โ 301 - Moved permanently
โ 302 - Found
โ 303 - See other
โ 304 - Not modified
โ 305 - Use proxy
โ 306 - Unused
โ 307 - Temporary redirect
โ 308 - Permanent redirect
โญ Major 4xx responses
โ 400 - Bad request
โ 401 - Unauthorized
โ 402 - Payment required
โ 403 - Forbidden
โ 404 - Not found
โ 405 - Method not allowed
โ 406 - Not acceptable
โ 407 - Proxy authentication required
โ 408 - Request timeout
โ 409 - Conflict
โ 410 - Gone
โ 411 - Length required
โ 412 - Precondition failed
โ 413 - Payload too large
โ 414 - URI too long
โ 415 - Unsupported media type
โ 416 - Range not satifiable
โ 422 - Unprocessable entity
โ 423 - Locked
โ 421 - Misdirected request
โ 424 - Failed dependency
โ 425 - Too early
โ 426 - Upgrade required
โ 429 - Too many requests
โญ Major 5xx responses
โ 500 - Internal server error
โ 501 - Not implemented
โ 502 - Bad gateway
โ 503 - Service unavailable
โ 504 - Gateway timeout
โ 507 - Insufficient storage
โ 508 - Loop detected
โ 510 - Not extended
โ 511 - Network authentication required
That's it for this thread and I hope you've found it helpful!
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