Do you know what's the difference between http and internet? Do you know how internet works under the hood?
As a developer you use internet daily, but you still don't really know how does it work.
Everything you need to know about internet : 🧵
In this thread I will demystify many concepts that may look tricky to you at first like:
☑️ What is ip address?
☑️ What are packets?
☑️ What is tcp
So let's start with the thread.
1/ What powers the internet?
Internet is all because of internet protocol suite, it connects billions of machines together to form internet.
Internet protocol suite basically consists of 4 simple layers:
• Application layer
• Transport layer
• Data link layer
• Network layer
2/ What is network layer?
Network layer basically consists of internet provider address, aka ip address. IP address is just a set of unique numbers which helps us in identifying location of different computers.
For eg: you can try entering in your browser.
3/ What is transport layer?
Transport layer consists of something called transmission control protocol (tcp) which allows to send data back and forth to computers.
The data travels breaks down in the form of small pieces which is known as "packets".
4/ What is data link layer?
These packets are now transmitted by physical devices such as modems, routers, etc before being processed by the receiving computer.
Pretty simple, right?
5/ What is application layer?
Now everything you learned so far is just the hardware part of the internet.
Things like http, ftp, etc comes in the application layer of the internet, these are software which allows us to unleash the power of it.
So things like http/https are not internet, they are just a part of it. Also, internet is decentralized. It is not owned by any organization or person.
6/ What is http?
HTTP stands of hyper text transfer protocol, which is as you know used to send bunch of html pages to the client when requested with the help of url.
7/ What is url?
URL stands for uniform resource locator, which is used as an alias/shortcut to some server. For example you can access google either by going to or by entering in your browser.
So let's have a quick recap, in this thread you learned about:
☑️ What is internet protocol suite?
☑️ How does internet protocol suite work?
☑️ What are packets?
☑️ What is http/https?
☑️ What is url?
☑️ How does internet works under the hood?
Thanks for reading it so far!
I hope you've found this thread helpful, please do follow @vedantnn7 for more concise threads like these to become a better web developer.
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