To be American is to wear blinders to structural inequalities and systemic challenges, piling an intolerable burden on the shoulders of individuals. Debt is no exception. @PublicHealth released a policy brief last year outlining several adverse health impacts of debt (2/x)
Re-examining debt through the lens of belonging magnifies social costs. @astradisastra, @StrikeDebt co-founder states “In this country, most working people aren't living beyond their means, they are being denied the means to live. Exploding household debt is the result.” (3/x)
Racial capitalism shapes debt. @louise_seamster outlines how White debt "promotes agency and grants opportunities as an investment in an imagined better future" while Black debt "represents the past and ongoing theft of Black assets." (4/x)
If you're eager to rethink debt to cultivate more belonging in the future, join us tomorrow on May 25 for our Future of Belonging meetup: