In spring 2020, I started using the phrase Age of Omnicrisis to describe our pandemic-fueled time. I was influenced by this cartoon published in March 11, 2020 in a Canadian newspaper (1/x)
Omnicrisis is the state of cataclysmic catastrophe, occurring simultaneously and often exacerbating systemic failures and catalyzing newly cascading risks much like the succession of tsunamis depicted in one of many memes propagated by the original cartoon (2/x)
Thinking about the future is hard even when things are "normal." We are living through the end of normalcy, including our experience of the three components of belonging.
☝🏽 Safety and comfort
💕 Emotional connection
🎶 Meaning and sense making
3 forces impeding belonging:
😪 Global loneliness epidemic due to lack of meaningful relationships
↔️ Growing disaffiliation & alienation from institutions
🚚 Growing displacement due to gentrification, violent/political conflict, & climate change
I'm hoping that the Future of Belonging community serves two objectives:
👾 Holding space for processing the impact and implications of omnicrisis to support collective healing
👩🏽🎤 Imagining and co-creating radically benevolent possibilities of flourishing and belonging
I don't have all of the answers. Omnicrisis is too massive for any one individual to hold any singular answer. But coming together at our monthly meetups can be a container for contributing multiple perspectives and designing shared visions (6/x)
The next session is May 25 at 4:30 pm PT/7:30 pm ET. Please come and invite others eager to cultivate more belonging in the world. Also please share this thread with others. We need all of us for the road ahead.