Discover the cutest NFTs you'll ever see with #IGUNFT by @Nagatake_u & @y_x_x_x_k.
Inspired by various art forms, these simple lines and shapes are a must-have for any art enthusiast.
@igu_nft is making NFTs more inclusive by combining physical products with digital NFTs, creating a new type of experience they call 'phygital'.
They're expanding the market and inviting everyone to join them in this new frontier of entertainment and experiences.
#IGUNFT is a Genesis NFT for the birth of IGU. Future perks for holders.
#IGUQUEST is a generative NFT based on IGUNFT. 2nd sale in April 2023, 1000 units. Own an IGUQUEST & be eligible for 2nd sale raffle.
Check out our plans for the future.
The community, ⚡️IGU STASHIP COMMUNITY⚡️, takes its name from the story of an NFT, IGU, a unknown creature who crash-landed on Earth and formed a friendship with a human girl.