As we prepare SYKO Sentient for launch, I want to highlight some stories from team members in the field. Our first location is in the Philippines 🧵 #Near#NearNFTs#NFTCommunity
The teams approach the homeless or needy and ask for their help on a school/work project. The individual is promised nothing for their effort. In this way, it helps the team members not get taken advantage of. After they draw a SNBS, we pay them a sum in local currency.
One of the teams @Jakefrbs is a couple who believed in @sgartsypix and @SykoNearBears vision, and stepped into the challenge! Here they are with Jesus.
“Jesus is the first person we approached that willingly responded. He is a disabled homeless man with no job.”
“Our journey in searching for the needy is tiring yet rewarding. Tiring because we roam the city in the summer heat. Rewarding because we could see their genuine smile upon receiving the unexpected reward for their kindness to us.”
Jesus tries his best to survive a living everyday by asking for alms from the people passing by. He told us, “It’s better to ask for alms than to pick pocket.”
“This moved us knowing that he could have better opportunity for him, but society leaves him no choice.”
“Jocel is our friend with special needs. She is a sweet and caring person. I asked her to draw for us and she responded excitedly. When she learned that we’re going to pay her for her drawing, she smiled so wide telling us that she will be able to buy piattos, her favorite snack”
This is two of the many people our teams are helping irl! We will render the drawings into an #NFT and auction on @ParasHQ The winner will receive the physical art as well. Revenues will reward our community, fund growth and expansion of Sentient, and 50% back to these kind souls
We hope you will join us on this journey as we use NFT’s and Art to connect with and provide people in our local communities around the world with a hand up, and a reminder that they are loved. Imagine the smile when they learn YOU bought their art.
#BeSyko Thank you @Jakefrbs đź’—