Are you a resident of your country?
Or an element in the very fabric of your country?
First are called Indians/America/..
Second are India/America/.. themselves, just smaller in size.
Don't see much difference in the two?
Ownership, accountability and attitude
When you're an employee in your company, you do your job, take your pay and go.
When you're a stakeholder in your company, you work longer and do stuff for free. Also get more rewards
People who feel they are living in a society are likely to behave according to expectations set by others. They believe societal customs are well defined and should be obeyed.
People who believe they constitute a society realize customs can be redefined by them. They will generally be more outspoken and seem to 'care more'.
What's the short takeaway?
Recognize you influence the societies /companies/communities you join.
Use your influence to make the community better, for yourself and others.
Don't avoid responsibility by (falsely) believing the community is an abstraction.