8 groundbreaking daily grind AI tools that feel almost too powerful to be legal [Web3 + Web2] ↓
#1 Bardeen AI: An agent for any repetitive tasks
Use cases:
• Research (scraping and summarizing data)
• Productivity (can be integrated with Gmail, Notion, LinkedIn, etc.)
• Automated workflows, i.e. Summarize research, input a TL;DR to Notion.
🔗 bardeen.ai
#2 Numerous AI: An assistant to structure and edit your Excel and Google Sheets.
• Generating formulas
• Writing and editing text in batches
• Reformatting and cleaning data
🔗 numerous.ai
#3 Web3 Summary: A solution to simplify complex things about Web3
See this as a ChatGPT trained to address your Web3 questions including:
• Tokenomics
• Eli5
• On-chain data from multiple chains supported
🔗 web3summary.com
#4 SolidityScan: A tool to scan any smart contract for vulnerabilities
• Quick contract audit (for DeFi investments or trading)
• Security insights for developers
🔗 solidityscan.com
#5 Smarty AI: For those who have to combine 9/5 work with 24/7 Web3 grind
• Daily planning based on notes
• Analyze where your time goes
🔗 smarty.ai
#6 TypoX AI: A ChatGPT-based news scraper (trained to TL;DR announcements)
🔗 app.typox.ai
#7 JIT Codes: A solution for developers for programming (Solidity and Rust supported)
🔗 jit.codes/generators
#8 Cleo AI: A solution to manage personal finance
This AI app for IOS and Android was made for an easy way to budget.
Cleo with users via chatting and uses emojis, memes, and GIFs to get the point across when you spend too much on ordering takeout.
🔗 web.meetcleo.com
What other tools do you use in your daily grind?
Let me know!