@aprildunford is the leading authority on Product Positioning, and an author of a book on the same topic - "Obviously Awesome". She recently was on @lennysan's podcast and shared gyaan on "How to nail your Product Positioning".
I used @AskThePod to summarize the video 🧵 🧵🧵
What is Positioning?
Positioning defines how your product is best in the world at delivering some value that matters to a set of customers in a market.
It helps differentiate you from competitors and explain to customers why they should choose it over other options.
Thanks to the success of programming careers for last 2 decades, lots of #parents have been focusing on teaching their kids #programming
But I think it is the wrong skill to be teaching if your kids are to be successful in the next decade.
What's the right skill to teach? 1/
It's almost guaranteed that in a decade the rise of AI and no-code would make writing code obsolete. Here's a a year old video about Codex by @OpenAIyoutube.com/watch?v=SGUCcjHTmGY
It's insane that you can create a web page, a video game just by some written text instructions. 2/
If you are selling a service or a product - Economic utility - is an important concept you should understand.
It is the usefulness that consumers derive from your good or service.
There are four main types of economic utility: form, time, place, and possession.
1.Form utility
The usefulness that comes from the physical form of the good or service.
@allbirds shoes is an example of form utility. They created a new “form” for their shoes that is more comfortable than others. As a result, they can charge a premium from their customers.
1/ US Dollar has been the formally World’s Reserve Currency since 1944, but there’s an increasing risk that this may not continue forever.
It might surprise Americans but there were other reserve currencies before USD. Here’s a chart with history
What does this mean for you
I was among the list of users of #RoamResearch who have been disappointed with the lack of innovation over the last year.
But I am very happy and excited about launch of #RoamDepot.
Here are 4 plugins from Roam Depot that I think you must check out - 🧵 🧵 🧵
1. @matter - Matter IMHO is the best read-it-later app in the market today. It’s the best way to read all the newsletters that you are subscribed to and keep your Inbox clean.
The extension automatically syncs highlights to Roam, making it super easy to revisit key points later
1/ Did you that the “chain” in blockchain is actually built using a mathematical function called “Hash Function”?
Each block in the blockchain has a reference to the hash of the previous block,thus tieing them all in a chain (or a linked list)
Learn more about Hash function ↓↓
2/ Hash function is a mathematical function that takes data of any size and return an output of fixed size.
It is used to scramble the raw input so it cannot be recognized as it is sent over the internet.
Some interesting attributes about the Hash Function ↓↓↓
1/ Started reading the book The Network State by @balajis. It is one of the most forward thinking ideas that I have come across.
2/ I’ve been arguing with my friends that in a remote-first world, the different pay rates just based on someone’s region (country) don’t make sense. But getting rid of the country boundaries or regulations also doesn’t seem like a likely possibility.
Struggle to get your Inbox under control? This is for you.
I paid $200 for Hey.com subscription because of the promise it had for helping tame my Inbox. Later I realized, you can't control Email with one tool.
I now spend less than 10 mins each day on email
You need 3 tools to fight your Inbox
1. Email Client -
You could use Gmail but there are better email clients that can help you process the email faster.
I use @Shortwave these days. It's a free client and speeds up my email processing 10x compared to Gmail
If you were an investment,what would be your worth? Alternatively,what is your value?
Before some people take offense to this, let me say this is not a value judgement about you, this is a thought exercise in calculating how much your Employer thinks you are worth
A thread 🧵🧵
When doing retirement planning, there is a simple “Rule of 25” to calculate your “Retirement Number”.You multiply your annual expenses by 25 to get the number.This is the retirement fund you need. You can withdraw 4% each year from this each year without touching the principal