Thread on @snipd_app - Taking Notes from Podcats with AI assistance
One of the problems with podcasts so far was the problem of recollection. We generally listen to Podcasts while our limbs are occupied for eg. driving, walking, doing dishes etc.
This frustrating problem meant that we need to re-listen to good episodes if we want to make a note.
This problem has been handled in the past by paid services like Podcast notes, which have a freemium model and you paid for transcription.
Expensive subscription and not all your episodes are in their transcription list of episodes.
MEET @snipd_app
AI is making rapid progress and @snipd_app uses AI to transcribe all your episodes within almost 20 mins if it is not already transcribed.
Just hit the "Snip It' button and it captures 1.5 mins of the current position and those highlights are available in your snips.
Snipd also integrates with @readwiseio so you also can now auto-capture the text of these podcasts into your readwise. Isn't that awesome?
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