1/ Discord Shortcuts - TIPS and TRICKS
TIME IS MONEY, some TIPS to increase your PRODUCTIVITY ๐ธ
If you are in more than 2 servers, this will be HELPFUL ๐งต
2/ MY Favorite - Navigation Bar - Ctrl + k (Windows)/ CMD + K (MAC)
Use Ctrl + K to open the Quick Switcher. Start typing the name of the server. Click on it. Voilร .
No more need to scroll with the mouse. After you get used to it, this is a game changer.
Additional Tips, Every time you open:
แ You can click ENTER and you will go to your previous chat, super useful for copy+paste or to have 2 conversations at the same time
แ Will also present you with the DRAFT message, not sent
Advanced tips, if you start typing with:
*, will only show the servers
@, only users
#, only text channels
!, only voice channels
3/ Navigation
Between Servers: Ctrl ALT ๐ผ or Ctrl ALT ๐ฝ / CMD OPT ๐ผ (MAC)
Between Channels: ALT ๐ผ or ALT ๐ฝ / OPT ๐ผ (MAC)
Return to previous text channel: ALT โก๏ธ
Jump to the oldest Unread Message: Shift PageUP
Emoji Picker: Ctrl E / CMD E (MAC)
Check all pinned messages: Ctrl P / CMD P (MAC)
Mark WHOLE SERVER as READ ๐ง : Shift ESC
4/Toggle Mentions Popout
Easy way to check all mentions on all servers: CTRL I / CMD I (MAC), which shows your unread messages and mentions. I exclude "include @everyone and @role mentions". I check it daily every morning to get caught up. support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045027712-Inbox-FAQ
5/ How to generate Timestamp
Due to the time zone differences, it is super useful to use the command below to display the time according to each person's time zone.
Timestamp, you can get it here: epochconverter.com/
For Style, check table bellow ๐
6/ Discord ID > NAMES
To get Discord IDs you need to go to Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode. A user, server, channel, message has always a unique discord ID is not possible to be fake.
Right Click and copy the ID, you can also identify them, even if they are not on server.
7/ Have a Costume STATUS
You can leave a message with a reference:
แ Message that you are away until next week and answer as soon as possible
แ Creative message
แ Projects you hold
Click on your PFP - Set Costume Status - Define message and expiration