Shipped my first web3 project! 🚀✨
PAY.GAME is the worst way to spend your ETH. Pay-to-play on the Ethereum blockchain.
Enter your name, URL, and your desired score in ETH. Pay me and you'll be added to the leaderboard! All on-chain.
Besides the dubious honor of being in the leaderboard, you can also win some NFTs (of course!)
Every player gets one coin NFT. You only get one per wallet. You can top up your existing score, but you won't get additional coin NFTs.
There are also NFTs for 1st/2nd/3rd place…
🏆 NFTs for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place are a bit more interesting. Once you lose your spot, you'll also lose your NFT. It will automatically be transfered away to the new winner!
⚠️ These NFTs cannot be sold/bought/transferred.
There's a consolation prize for anyone who ever reached first place but lost it. This is a regular NFT that can be sold/transfered/etc.
It will get progressively harder to win, as getting the first place (and then losing it) will get harder over time as the top score increases.
Wait, this all doesn't make any sense whatsoever?! 🤔
You're right. This is just me learning about web3 and hopefully some people wanting to be part of something ridiculous.
This all sounds very familiar?! 🤔
Yes! I launched 5 years ago. A few weeks ago I wanted to learn what it takes to build a web3 app, so I decided to re-implement this old idea but on the blockchain.
I learned a ton building this. I taught myself the following technologies:
Solidity (programming language for Ethereum)
React (never used it before)
ethers.js (JS library for interacting with blockchain)
Pixelmator (to create pixel art)
After Effects (to create the NFT videos)
Hardhat (development environment for Solidity)
Remix (online IDE)
Chai (JS library for writing automated tests)
ERC1155 (NFT standard I chose, more on that later)
web3modal (JS library for connecting different wallets)
I jumped in knowing basically nothing. It was quite a painful experience at times as I'm used to knowing what I'm doing 😅
But it taught me humility and gave me a new found appreciation for the kindness of other developers willing to help. Too many to list, but I'll try:
Later today I will share more details on the contracts (I wrote two, one for the game and one for the NFTs), and how it all works together.
In the mean time you're welcome to join my Discord where I'll be sharing more behind the scenes stuff as well:
Let me know any questions you might have! Happy to answer. Thanks for checking out PAY.GAME and sorry for the gas fees 😂
P.S. gas fees vary based on where you'll end up in the leaderboard. If you're in the top 3 it will need to move the trophy NFTs around which is rather costly.
But if you're outside of the top 3 it only mint your own coin NFT.