A question about your task management! More specifically, about the (need for) feeling of progress. At Engineering Management for the Rest of Us, @sarah_edo explains that she uses @NotionHQ weekly planner, not only because of the planning itself, but for the final artifact: 🧵
"I like this (...) more than a kanban board or a homegrown to-do list (...), they feel unsatisfying and never-ending. In this model, the big picture is broken down day by day, and at the end of the week, it’s clear I’ve gotten things accomplished, which helps me feel motivated."
For team work, I tend to use GitHub kanban, and for personal tasks, @todoist , but it's true that it feels neverending. I'm not sure if @NotionHQ would work for me, as the resulting week is kind of a vanity metric, as it's "done tasks" instead of "accomplishments".
I'm now giving a try to complement it with a brag document (jvns.ca/blog/brag-documents/). What works best for you?