I have the stereotypical 'perfect life’
I live on the beach
I have an amazing wife
I run a dope company
Money isnt a problem
And yet, I sometimes get random bouts of anxiety
Let me show you how to handle this ish like a millionaire so you can live your best life
The mind is not meant to thrive, its meant to survive
we are genetically wired to survive
70% of our waking time is conditioned through our genetics to be in 'survival' mode
our senses are heightened
our awareness is raised
and, in return
we pump adrenaline and cortisol
because of this, anxiety is EASY to experience
were wired to experience anxiety
so first, stop being so hard on yourself
Ill be walking on the beach, having a PERFECT day and randomly get hit with anxiety for no reason
it happens
the mind is sick
and so is the body
there are 2 things you need to learn into to crush anxiety when it comes up
1- breathwork + visualization
2- gratitude
here is the breathwork process
visualize your anxiety in your body
on your inhales visualize it going to your throat
and on your exhales visualize it leaving your body
do this enough times and your anxiety will go away
gratitude is the biggest hack in the game
your body cant be anxious and grateful at the same time
its not possible
if you can close your eyes and visualize something that made you feel happy
your body will begin to pump those emotions of happiness through your body again
this is why gratitude is huge