Most folks building an audience as a side-hustle or solopreneur know about building a Sales Funnel.
But there's something important that MUST come BEFORE your Funnel: the Sieve.
The Sieve is a method to quickly sort folks who ARE interested in what you do from those who AREN'T.
Why is a Sieve important?
Without one you'll find lots of people in your funnel who aren't REALLY interested in what you do... and are never going to be more than "browsers."
This means you'll end up wasting time and resources on people who are never going to buy what you sell.
The most EFFECTIVE Sieve I know is to get really clear on what you do- and do not- offer, in the plainest, most frank language you can come up with.
The goal is to use your copy to help your visitors determine quickly if they're a "hell yeah," or "no thanks" on what you do.
Remember, build a Sieve AND a Funnel.
If you don't, you may have impressive vanity metrics such tons of followers or a big mailing list... But you'll end up with very few buyers.
It's always better to find a few who are REALLY into you, vs. lots who could take you or leave you.