I created this simple, 7 step heuristic for our community about 7 years ago - and while it seems to be popular with others which is deeply rewarding - for me personally - it remains the absolute easiest way to get back in my body, when I'm feeling stuck in my skull.
Our own bodies offer unlimited opportunities to explore the magic of #mindfuless - & discover deep feelings of beauty and bliss, cultivating concentration, calm, compassion, courage, presence and peace.
Unlike other variations of #Vipassnaa practice, this step wise practice moves the spotlight of attention and awareness to and through a single spot on/within the body - then, to the cloud of sensations that arise thereafter. (either on the surface of the skin
or through turning the microscope of attention interoceptively - and navigating sensations deeper within the "center" of self) Ultimately, as our attention grows stronger & more concentrated, we can transcend the sense of having a body, & even being a separate self at all.....
by dissolving into the space of sensation - and simply allowing everything to arise, in the same space of undifferentiated awareness - if even, only for a moment.
This is an incredibly simple practice - and yet, at least for me - has been incredibly helpful for navigating all sorts of the endless emergencies - the avalanche unpleasant emotions we often feel day to day - and in general, the fire hose of slings & arrows life throws our way.
May this benefit someone who could use it today.
And this practice (amongst 9 others) is included in a new free mindfulness workshop I'm leading with a few other strange souls on April 18th - if you'd like to join us (it's free) send an email (mindfulmarketplace@gmail.com) or reach out to say hi, and learn more.
Teach what you know. Do what you love. Wake up the world with your work.